
  1. Designate Date Needed to have completed order in your possession at least two days before you need it. Please refer to the Processing Time link at the top of this page to determine a reasonable Date Needed.
  2. Fill in Date Needed with a specific date (Month/Day/Year). Please do not put ASAP.
  3. Always send copy-ready originals.
    • Ideal copy-ready originals must:
      1. be 8.5” x 11” (letter), 8.5” x 14” (legal), or 11” x 17” (tabloid) size.
      2. be on white paper with black ink (no pencil).
      3. have a 3/8” margin or larger. Allow a 5/8” left margin if 3-hole punching, comb binding, or stapling is requested. Make sure page numbers don’t fall in the margin.
      4. be free of staples, bindings, post-it notes, tape, glue, White-Out, crayon, chalk residue, etc. Originals with 3-hole punches are acceptable.
      5. be free of excess dark areas (typically from photocopying).
      6. be free of comb-binding punches, wrinkles, jagged edges, folds, etc. as these flaws may jam the machines.
      7. be in the correct order for collated jobs. Numbered pages help.

Originals that are not copy-ready may be returned for correction.

  1. Additional instructions should be written in the Special Instruction section of the work-order form.
  2. Orders are sorted according to paper color and weight. Choose one paper color and weight per work-order form
    • Exceptions are newsletters, booklets, etc.
    • A separate work-order form should be completed for each order with different requirements and originals that are not set up the same way.
    • One order form can be completed when all requests are the same and the originals are set up the same way.
      • Mark Not Collated and your sets will be returned with divider sheets.
      • If you have groups of originals that need to be stapled, paperclip them and use a larger paper clip to attach the work order to all of them. These sets will have a divider sheet.
  3. Black-ink printing is free when using 8.5” x 11”, 8.5” x 14”, or 11” x 17” sized paper. Charges for color printing, large-format printing, laminating, and comb binding can be found on the corresponding work-order form.
  4. Color printing is done on one machine. If one side is color ink and the other is black ink, you will be charged for two sides of color copying.
  5. Always check the appropriate box in the copyright section of the order form. The responsibility for compliance with copyright law rests primarily with the user of materials copied. For further information please review the copyright law section of this web site.
  6. Print requests may be submitted electronically. Remember to send the work-order form with your request. Please see internet orders link in the left navigation for more information.
  7. Paper clip (do not staple or tape) the white and yellow copy of the work-order form to the upper left corner of the originals. Please keep the pink copy of the work-order form to verify information and for contacting the Print Center about your order.
  8. When you receive your order, please verify all materials have been delivered to the proper school and the number of copies, paper color, etc. are correct. Please reroute or resubmit the order if necessary.
  9. Lamination guidelines can be found on the Comb Binding and Lamination Work-order form.
  10. Print Center staff is not responsible for lost or damaged materials.